Live HD video streaming at up to 30 frames-per-second
Enhance your website with live streaming video content and attract many more visitors at just £29 / €34 per month
Oban, Scotland from Oban & Lorne Tourism Alliance
All for one fixed fee of just £29 / €34 per month, unlimited number of viewers
Streamdays is used and viewed all over the globe. We ensure your webcam stays live and reaches out to people everywhere.
Managed stream hosting with SLA, auto-error detection with instant troubleshooting, no bandwidth limitations, unlimited number of viewers, easy setup and free technical support.
Drive traffic to your website and your social networks. Increase your brand awareness.
A live webcam stream on your website provides you with a wealth of opportunities to promote your business.
Streamdays is a low cost, highly effective tool for online marketing, contibuting to social media sharing, engagement, brand awareness and delivering real ROI.
It’s easy to set up, all you need is an IP camera, an Internet connection and a Streamdays account
You can use your existing camera, or if you don't have one, choose from our IP camera store or check out our bundled camera package.
We’ve put the steps in place to ensure your content is safe on your website alone.
Your Streamdays live stream cannot be hijacked, nor can your copyright content be stolen, as it can with YouTube live streams.
Unlimited data usage and viewers at a fixed monthly charge.
We offer a fixed-pricing model with no long term tie-ins, and setup is free. We like to keep it simple.
We help you choose, give advise and offer helpful technical assistance.
If you need any help, or would like to discuss the best solution for you, give us a call on +44 (0)151 633 2111, or send us a message.